Loud Speaker Ltd.
DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Policy
This policy outlines the procedures for conducting DBS checks for Loud Speaker. The DBS is responsible for maintaining the barred list for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and for providing information to employers to help them make safer recruitment decisions.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Loud Speaker complies with all legal requirements regarding the use of DBS checks and to ensure that all employees and volunteers are properly vetted.
This policy applies to all employees and volunteers who will be working with vulnerable groups, such as children and vulnerable adults, in Loud Speaker.
- All employees and volunteers must complete an enhanced DBS application form and provide the necessary identification documentation.
- The DBS check will be ordered by Loud Speaker and paid for by Loud Speaker.
- The DBS check will be carried out in accordance with the DBS Code of Practice.
- The results of the DBS check will be shared only with those who have a legitimate reason to know the information, such as the employee or volunteer, the DBS and Loud Speaker.
- The results of the DBS check will be kept confidential and stored securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
- All employees and volunteers who work with vulnerable groups, such as children and vulnerable adults, will be required to carry their enhanced DBS certificate to all activities and events where they will be working with such groups.
- It is the responsibility of the employee or volunteer to provide accurate and truthful information on the DBS application form.
- It is the responsibility of Loud Speaker to ensure that all employees and volunteers are properly vetted in accordance with this policy.
Employees and volunteers have the right to appeal the results of their DBS check if they believe that the information is inaccurate or if they have been unfairly treated.
This policy will be reviewed annually or as necessary to ensure that it remains up-to-date and in line with current legal requirements.
This policy will be made available to all employees and volunteers and will be communicated to new employees and volunteers as part of their induction.
Statement Owner: Oba Akinwale – Commercial Director
Date of Last Review: Wednesday 1st February 2023