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Modern Slavery Statement


Loud Speaker is committed to conducting business ethically and responsibly. We recognise the importance of addressing the global issue of modern slavery and are dedicated to ensuring that our organisation and supply chains are free from any form of slavery or human trafficking. This statement is made in accordance with the UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 and outlines the steps we have taken and will continue to take to prevent modern slavery within our operations.


This statement applies to all aspects of Loud Speaker’s operations, including our employees, volunteers, suppliers, and partners. We expect our suppliers and partners to adhere to the same principles and values outlined in this statement.

Our Organisation

Loud Speaker is a UK-based organisation that delivers life-skills workshops to young people across the country. We aim to empower and support young people in reaching their full potential, and we believe in conducting our business with integrity and transparency.

Policies and Procedures

We have implemented the following policies and procedures to ensure our commitment to combating modern slavery and human trafficking:

Code of Conduct: We have established a Code of Conduct that outlines our expectations for ethical and responsible behaviour from all our employees, volunteers, suppliers, and partners.

Whistleblowing Policy: We encourage our employees and volunteers to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery, and we provide a safe and confidential whistleblowing mechanism to facilitate this.

Risk Assessments: We regularly assess our operations and supply chains for potential risks related to modern slavery and human trafficking, and we implement appropriate measures to mitigate these risks.

Training and Awareness: We provide training and awareness programmes for our employees and volunteers to ensure they understand the importance of preventing modern slavery and are able to identify and report any concerns.

Due Diligence and Compliance

Loud Speaker is committed to conducting thorough due diligence on our suppliers and partners to ensure compliance with our ethical standards and the principles outlined in this statement. We will not tolerate any form of modern slavery within our organisation or supply chains, and we will take appropriate action against any supplier or partner found to be in breach of our policies.

Continuous Improvement

We recognise that the fight against modern slavery is an ongoing process, and we are committed to continuously improving our policies and practices to prevent any form of modern slavery within our operations. We will regularly review and update our policies and procedures to ensure their effectiveness in addressing modern slavery risks.

This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors and will be reviewed and updated annually.

Signed off by,

Oba Akinwale

Commercial Director, Loud Speaker